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Tao in challenging times 2022 EN masterclass


1 May 2022 - 16:00 CET

Introduction webinar
The 5 levels of healing, Kan & Li and more

with Carsten Dohnke

In this free 90-minute master class, Carsten takes you back to trust, clarity and feeling connected.

The powerful combination of Qigong - which makes you (re)discover and embrace your body - and Taoist meditations - that allow deeper access to your inner world - connect seamlessly with mantras. You may feel more connected to the universe and embedded in life from your core.

Carsten will explain how ancient practices (such as Qigong and Kan & Li) and a western approach such as trauma and constellation work complement each other: the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. This allows a leap in transformation in which the 5 levels of healing are covered: physical, energetical, emotional/mental and oneness (non-duality).

Why are the Tao wisdom teachings so relevant in our time?

Most people have lost touch with their bodies and also with nature. Many are “mentally” on the go all day, overwhelmed by the complexities of everyday life and in a state of constant stress. In my opinion, it is not enough to “just” meditate and switch off – although I like to do that and teach it as well. It also requires the “rediscovery of our body” and the cultivation and strengthening of our life energy as a vehicle for inner transformation, but also for our vitality, joy for life and healing.

Whether in Qigong, Taiji or Taoist meditations, there is always an emphasis on coming home in yourself, strengthening your centre and life force and being well grounded. Moreover, we are currently facing the biggest issues of our time: climate change, the extinction of species and also the dying of the oceans. Political measures are not enough. If we feel in our hearts that we are a part of life and nature, we are also prepared to support the necessary steps from within. Because only what touches us emotionally causes a reorientation of our actions. (…)- Carsten in an interview with Frankfurter Ring

When you become empty, life can touch you
— Carsten

This is what you can expect:
The road to feeling life and nature within you

  • (Re)discovering the body: inner Qigong and light movements

  • Mind: a Taoist meditation for mental and emotional exploration, something deeper can unfold in you.

  • Healing: Carsten gives - as in every seminar - a healing session with mantras which enables you to let go deeply, to dissolve old fears and to find new confidence in life.

  • The Mystical Level: Carsten explains how body, mind, intuition and emotions are connected to the level of non-duality. More about "the 5 levels of Being and Healing" in this article.

"The true magic is, that in this supportive field (Tao) our potential will naturally show itself and blossom. It is like a flower that needs the impulse, the invitation from outside (the sun) to feel safe and powerful to blossom."

1 May 2022
at 16:00 CET
via Zoom


Can’t join? You can register to receive the recordings.

About Carsten

Senior Instructor of Qi Gong, Alchemy, Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine, Martial Arts and the Mystical Way of Tao.

He studied Sinology with a focus on Taoism and lived for four years in Taiwan, where he learned kungfu and meditation with Shaolin masters and monks. In his seminars he emphasizes the connection between movement, stillness, guided meditation and the presence of the moment. His heart beats for Taoist mysticism. He is the founder of the Tao Hamburg institute.

Carsten studied for decades with various Qi Gong masters. For more than 20 years he translated and assisted Tao Master Mantak Chia. He is a senior instructor and teacher of the Inner Alchemy of Healing Tao.

About Tao & Qigong - The Art of Living
with Carsten Dohnke & Dewi De Waele

We offer seminars for inner transformation, healing and spiritual growth. The idea is to experience a deeper connection to ourselves, to other people and to life. We want to enable each participant to feel embedded, to be able to live his creativity, potential, trust and also his inner wisdom. Qigong, Tao meditation but also healing sessions and mantra are important elements in our journey.

Join us live in our retreats:

The Netherlands:



“Tao is the Way that sees beauty in life”


Tao communication.


Can’t join? Just register to receive the recordings!


Voices of our participants

“Concerning didactics, Carsten has the skills to teach difficult topics and at the same time spark his students with enthusiasm for Taoism and Qigong. His own experiences in life and of former trainings combined with sensitivity for the group synergy, valuing silence and also a healthy dose of humor are all present during his classes. It’s also of great service that we receive recordings of the training.

— Roth Günther, Dettingen

“Most things I hear about Carsten Dohnke, I found, could not express accurately how souverain he is as a qigong teacher and as a human being. His profound knowledge, his skillful pedagogic teaching and not in the least his conviction and passion exceed every expectation.

— Brigitte Burlefinger

“Ich habe für mich ganz viel mitgenommen, z.B. die Lebendigkeit des Tao, die Verbundenheit mit dem Leben, innerer Frieden, Körperzellen frisch erneuert uvm. Das innere Leben ist viel lebendiger. Die Anspannung von vorher und die Erlösung danach, das war ein Erlebnis mit Glücksgefühl. Carsten ist einfach super und ein großes, lebendiges Vorbild.”

— P. Carucci / Schweiz

Ich fand den Online-Kurs der Ausbildung 2021 GROSSartig! Und vielen Dank dafür! Ich habe das Gefühl der Meditationen sehr tief erlebt, tiefer als ich es von einem Online-Modul erwarte, aber es hat funktioniert. Auch das Programm war sehr gut und es hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich an der Ausbildung teilgenommen habe. Gerade in der jetzigen Zeit, in der wir leben, ist es etwas ganz Besonderes, inneres Wachstum zu initiieren. Ich spüre, dass ich zu mehr innerem Frieden heranwachse, habe aber noch Arbeit vor mir, doch jetzt bekomme ich Werkzeuge, mit denen ich arbeiten kann. Dafür bin ich sehr dankbar.

— Merel B. / Hoorn NL