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EN Tao in challenging times 2022 Amitabha retreat

7-10 April 2022
in The Netherlands - Centrum Venwoude


Experience your true nature in challenging times

4-day retreat

Mantra Amitabha - Taoist meditations - Qigong


In these troubled times, you may be longing for more clarity, stability, rooting and solace.

Often we know that these ressources are already within us, only sometimes we forget, or we lose the connection.

Many spiritual traditions work not only with body, soul and mind to reconnect with these ressources, but they also use mantras and mudras, as a code that gives you access to the deeper layers within you and to the universe.

The focus of the seminar is the mantra Namo Amitabhaya, combined with Qigong and meditation. In addition, you will learn a simple traditional mantra ceremony, which you can also practise at home. The ceremony aims to alleviate physical and mental suffering, to dissolve everyday problems and to activate your inner wisdom.

The powerful combination of Qigong - which makes you (re)discover and embrace your body in a sincere way - and Taoist meditations - which will make you more familiar with your inner world - connect seamlessly with the mantra. This makes you connect naturally with the universe and you will feel embedded in life from your center.


In these 4 days you may get a glimps of who you really are, and you will get more clarity about what life is.

Carsten guides you to more faith, clarity and feeling connected.

Carsten Dohnke guides you in silence,, movement and connection


A regular mantra practice brings stability and strengthens you inner light.

Your love and compassion will grow and your cells will experience an inner cleansing and healing process. The wonderful combination of silence, mantra-practice and qigong will connect you to your heart nd your true nature. It will dissolve old emotional patterns and it might give you a glimpse of the topic "life and death".

The seminar is suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners and enables all participants to gain a understanding of how mantras work in depth. And how they relate to meditation and qigong.

Namo Amitabhaya - I enter the enternal light
— *

Impressie: Meditatie te Venwoude

7-10 april 2022

in Center Venwoude, The Netherlands

Booking & practical info, Joan Piersma: joan_piersma(at)

Teachings in English


What you will experience and learn during these four days:

- A daily morning meditation for selflove

- The mantra Amithaba

- A traditional mantra ceremony

- Deep healing and integration with the help of mantra practice

- Qigong movements for deep breathing

- Inner qigong to build up energy and stability

- Taoist healing sessions

- Tao communication from your heart

- Taoist and Buddhist ideas concerning life and death




A Taoist (morning) program with Qigong movements and meditation, partner exercises and Tao communication support the mantra practice.

Each afternoon, Carsten gives a Tao healing session with mantras for all participants. This enables you to relax deeply, release old fears and experience new confidence in life.

An additional theme in this retreat is how to use the mantra as a support in the healing process for yourself and others or in the dying process.


Want to know more?

  • Qigong originates from Taoism in ancient China and is based - like tai chi and kung fu - on Chinese medicine.
    Taoism is originally a wisdom tradition that teaches us to live in harmony with ourselves, with nature and with the society in which we live.
    Qigong - "the art of cultivating life force (Qi)"-is based on the fact that you can lead, strengthen and collect your life force.

    We use body movements, breathing exercises, (self)massage and meditation to do this. The exercises give you more body awareness which leads to a more vital and healthy life, a stronger self-awareness and contact with your emotions and deeper topics.In other words: we get more connection with our self-healing forces, inner resources and the heart.

    The heart symbolizes our self-love and willingness to heal, grow and express oneself in the world. Our inner resources such as courage, confidence, compassion, creative power (libido)... are strengthened or revealed. At a further stage, you can develop spiritually because a deeper connection with your core and your heart provides access to life itself, the people around you and the universe.

  • The mantra Namo Amitabhaya is one of the most famous mantras. It is widespread throughout Asia and is used by many masters. Many people have come closer to awakening through this mantra.Namo Amitabhaya - literally: entering into the eternal light - fills your body with light and has the potential to change your life profoundly. Its main effects are: it purifies the heart, resolves psychological problems, rejuvenates the cells, softens and vitalises the body, relieves physical suffering and gives you wisdom, clarity and protection. It also establishes a deep connection to the Tao within you.

    A mantra opens the gateway to the potential that is ready: whether it is toward greater self-healing, spiritual growth, or wisdom. It is like the sun reminding you and mirroring you that the sun is already shining in your heart.

    A regular mantra practice gives you stability, strengthens your inner light and confidence, and connects you with the world.The practice of the ceremony helps you to unfold the power of the mantra deeply "into your marrow and bones". This holds the possibility of change on a more profound level. In addition, you can activate this power at any time in everyday life - also as a help for other people. The structure, content and effect of the mantra and the ceremony are explained in detail. A special topic is also how you can use the mantra as a support in the dying process, for yourself and others.

    Please contact Carsten directly if you have any questions regarding the content of the seminar:carsten-dohnke(at)

  • The Amitabha mantra (Namo Amitabhaya) is known to be the mantra for supporting people in the dying process. It gives access to dimensions beyond life and death. Thus, if you would like to, you can learn to guide loved ones who are close to you. Carsten offers this possibility in the retreat, however, it does not have to be a focus in your practice if you do not feel the need to do so. Whether you come for wisdom, health, silence & peace or deeper dimensions, this mantra offers healing on any level you feel like meeting.


Namo Amitabhaya

I enter the eternal light


We are happy to be guests again at our beautiful retreat center Venwoude.

Vuurse Steeg 1
3749 AN Lage Vuursche
The Netherlands


4-day seminar: € 525

Repeater price: please contact Joan

Accommodation costs

There are different accommodation options (such as single room, tent,…). The accomodation costs will be charged separately and they depend on the chosen options. Please contact our facilitating center Venwoude for more details.

  • Catering: coffee, tea, breakfast, lunch, dinner for 4 days: € 185,50 (costs mandatory)

  • Accomodation

single room: 3 nights = € 147,15

room for two: 3 nights = € 229,80

Tent or camper: 3 nights: € 49,05